Monday 30 November 2015


Today we used a strategy called K.T.A.C. to tackle word problems.  K stands for knowledge or what the question states.  T represents thinking or what we think must be done to solve the problem.  A is for application - this is actually where we find the answer (can be +, -, x, /).  Finally C is for communication - using a sentence, or communicating our results in writing.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Responsible Digital Citizens

Students continued to discuss how to be safe online, compared online and offline communities and how we are expected to act in each.  They were reminded that not everything you read and see online is the truth.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Special Presentation Today

We had a special guest visit the Grade 4's today to talk about animal care and how being a responsible digital citizen can help animals around the world.  Thanks to Marley and Dr. Als from Orleans Vet Hospital!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Good Samaritans on the Digital Road

Grade 4 students continued to discuss what it means to be a Samaritan on the Digital Road today, namely appropriate behaviour while using technology, including social media.  The picture yesterday was to help your child find a video called "One Day - Kindness Boomerang" which correlates nicely with Anti-Bullying Week and our discussions on being a responsible citizen.  

Friday 13 November 2015

Descriptive Writing

Our study of descriptive writing led us to similes today.  See if you and your child can create similes this weekend.  They were also asked to find out what a metaphor is. Thank you to all parents who came for parent teacher interviews.  It's always a pleasure to share your child's learning.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Thanks to everyone who attended our Remembrance Day Ceremony.  It was a very moving service that allowed everyone to take time to remember and honour the men and women who continue to give up their lives in war torn countries for freedom and peace.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Class Picture Tomorrow

Picture re-take day is tomorrow.  We will take another class photo so as to include our friends who were absent first time around.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Bible Ceremony

The Grade 4's were presented with their own copy of the New Testament today at our Bible Ceremony.  Father was thoroughly impressed by how well behaved and prepared our students were. A thank you to all parents and grandparents who were able to attend.  Enjoy sharing our Catholic story!

Monday 2 November 2015

Descriptive Writing

Students were asked to go to:

and use 5 adjectives to describe their Hallween.  Some completed this at school, others are asked to complete it tonight.